Colorful Library 五彩斑斓的世界

Huju Middle School Library, Hunan 湖南株洲茶陵县虎踞镇中学图书室

CALL FOR APPLICATION: 2011 Summer Volunteer Program

Let Reading Inspire

Dream Corps is recruiting about 65 international volunteers to participate in its 2011 Summer Volunteer Program in rural schools (township elementary or middle schools) and villages of China. Volunteers will take part in activities that include:

  • Establishing and developing libraries: decorations, cataloging books, electronic cataloging system set-ups, and library policy making.

  • Reading programs: "Library Month", "Reading Aloud", "Science and Reading", English Reading, and crafts.

  • Understanding and learning from locals: communicating with the local teachers, home visits, community research, and promoting reading in the community.

  • The program consists of 4 days of training in Beijing, 3 weeks of volunteer work on assigned volunteer sites, and 3 days concluding forum in Beijing. Check out the summer program schedule.


  • Volunteers must read, understand and agree to abide by the regulations outlined in theVolunteer Ethical Guidelines.

  • Interested in international development, rural education, and the non-profit sector in China.

  • Respectful of local rural customs, habits and culture and to humbly listen to the views of local teachers, leaders and parents.

  • Participate positively in all activities, and immerse in the local environment.

  • Is able to adapt to rural accommodations, environment and eating conditions.

  • Is able to communicate and work effectively and respectfully with people from different cultural backgrounds. Team-oriented and tolerant of diversity.

  • Responsible, well-organized and creative.

  • Willing to promote the importance of reading to the locals through various activities.

  • Experience as a volunteer and with community service.

  • Ability to speak mandarin Chinese is mandatory.

  • Please read the summer program schedule and make sure you are able to participate in the entire program. Attendance in the entire program is absolutely required.


  • Strong ability to manage, organize, plan, and access resources.

  • Very responsible.

  • Experience leading teams and promoting teamwork. Ability to identify talents of team members and to resolve conflicts. Must be able to lead a team to accomplish a goal.

  • Experience communicating with people from different cultures, backgrounds, and ages.

  • Can represent Dreams Corps and the team to negotiate with local community leaders.


  • STEP 1: Complete online application. 

    • There is no application fee.
    • Application form
    • Personal Statement (see guidelines for details)
    • Resume or CV

  • STEP 2: Interview 

    • Qualified applicants will be interviewed over the phone or in person, depending on location, availability and preference. The length of the interview is about one hour.
    • Phone interview via Skype
    • In person. Six locations: Beijing; New York City; Philadelphia; Charlottesville, Virginia; Toronto; Montreal. Space is limited in each location. Additional candidates will be interviewed by Skype.

  • STEP 3: Notification of Decision

    • February 14-February 25: Those selected for an interview will be notified.
    • February 20-March 20: Interviews will be scheduled by email by the interviewers and interviews will be held.
    • March 21: First group of accepted volunteers notified.
    • March 25: Deadline for first group to confirm participation.
    • March 26: Second group of accepted volunteers notified.
    • March 30: Deadline for second group to confirm participation.


  • Jan 23: Online application opens

  • February 20: Online application officially closes

  • April 9 - June 23: Summer Volunteer Program

    • April 9-30: Online training (4 sessions, about 2 hours per session)
    • May 19: Volunteer registration in Beijing, program begins; Team leader training in Beijing
    • May 20-23: Volunteer and librarian training in Beijing
    • May 24: Volunteers departing for sites
    • May 25-June 17: Working at sites
    • June 20: Return to Beijing
    • June 21: Team reports in Beijing
    • June 22-23: Concluding forum in Beijing

    Please keep your statement between 500 words in Chinese or English. As a general guideline, please cover the following:
    1. Why do you want to volunteer with Dream Corps and what do you want to accomplish through your volunteer work?
    2. List your previous social work or volunteer experience. Please include dates, locations, activities, and your roles.
    3. Have you traveled or lived in rural China? for how long? If not, have you traveled or lived internationally? for how long? If so, please describe briefly (locations, dates and activities).
    4. Have you had any experience working with children or teachers? If so, please describe briefly (subjects, target audience and formats)
    5. What do you believe are the value of books and reading to the lives of rural children in China?
    6. For Team leaders: Have you had experience working as a team leader? Share your experience, what you learned, and challenges that you faced.
    7. Do you hope to conduct a personal or academic research project during your possible stay in China with Dream Corps? If so, please describe briefly.

    Volunteers pay their own airfare to Beijing. All volunteers pay a 2000 RMB (300 USD) fee at the beginning of the volunteer training in Beijing. The fee covers the cost of accommodations and lunch during training and the concluding forum, transportation to and from the program sites, lodging at the sites, travel health insurance, training handouts and a T-shirt. Volunteers should also bring some money for other meals during training and forum and for other personal expenses.

    The following communities and schools are the sites for 2011. Some changes are possible. Applicants can indicate preferences, but preferences cannot always be honored. During the online training more information about the sites will be provided.

    Established sites:

  • Laochangying Village, Peiying Township, Dengzhou, Henan

  • Tenglou Experimental Elementary School (only 6th grade students), Tenglou Village, Peiying Township, Dengzhou, Henan

  • Nanguang Middle School, Nanguang Township, Yibin, Sichuan

  • Huju Elementary School, Huju Township, Chaling, Zhuzhou, Hunan

  • Huju Middle School, Huju Township, Chaling, Zhuzhou, Hunan

  • New sites:

  • Liumangang Elementary School, Liumangang Village, Xinghuaying Township, Jinming District, Kaifeng, Henan

  • Jiudian Elementary School, Jinan Township, Jingzhou District, Jingzhou, Hubei

  • Yutai Middle School, Jinan Township, Jingzhou District, Jingzhou, Hubei

  • Yuanyi Elementary School, Peicheng District, Mianyang, Sichuan

  • Hengfeng Central Elementary School, Hengfeng Township, Gongxian, Yibin, Sichuan

  • Shilipu Hui Elementary School, Liuhu Township, Kongdong District, Pingliang, Gansu

  • If you have any more questions regarding our program, please visit Dream Corps 2011 Summer Volunteer Program FAQ. If you have any questions regarding the application and volunteer selection process, please contact us
    > download this document in PDF

    Start Here to Apply for 2011 Summer Volunteer Program


    枣市日志  二零一零年529日。By 向超群


    其一,述良,泰安和我三人第一次同床,不共枕(没有枕头)。人有三只,床有两张。一张是很现代的席梦思,超英赶美不在话下;另一张是很古典的木头架子铺稻草垫子,透气环保清爽怡人。 买了超大床单一个:其大,足以睡老婆一位及孩子若干。故出自本人私囊,思量作长久之用,为未来积蓄前进的动力。床单虽大,铺于并排的两张床上,还是有点捉襟见肘。稻草床垫,半隐半现,倒也韵味十足!日后若要隐居,能有此景象,足矣!










    P.S. 晚上开灯,有无数飞蛾扑灯。





        袁老师是这个暑假在河南做志愿者时认识的一 位小学老师。在学校里面,袁老师分管学校后勤,爱人裴阿姨经营学校学生食堂,夫妇俩很自然的接过了我们食宿的任务。到学校当天,天下大雨,女生被安排在一 个大教室里,我和柯岩被分配在一个小办公室里。夏天乡下蚊子颇多,两张木板床都没法挂蚊帐。袁老师说:我出去看看。过了一些时候,袁老师湿淋淋的抱了一 大堆竹竿回来,估计是刚出去砍的,然后一直帮我们把蚊帐架好,才心满意足的离开。非常实在而又热心的一个人。

        学生们7点钟吃早餐,裴阿姨和袁老师每天5点钟就得起来准备食物。从周一到周五,一日三餐,裴阿姨每天的生活都禁锢在食堂里面。夫妇俩总是把最好的食物留给我们,然后自己坐在一边吃些最简单的东西。这让我们觉得非常不安,但是怎么劝说都没有用。慢慢的混的熟了,裴阿姨和袁老师也会和我们讲一些故事,开一些玩 笑。女生们难免花痴,每每吃饭的时候讲到自己的梦中牛郎,就两眼闪光,一幅即惆怅又幸福的模样,并伴随着嘴里,鼻子里发出的怪异声响。裴阿姨和袁老师开始的时候常常不明所以。时间长了也就习惯了。后来,裴阿姨也开始加入到女生的行列,说些打趣的话,被戏称给带坏了




        老师说话声音极其洪亮,一听就知道受过特别的发声训练,像个唱歌剧的。果不其然,学校的老师说:以前袁老师经常在食堂里面吊嗓子。我脑子里面常常浮现这样的画面:袁老师开着三轮摩托,嗵嗵嗵嗵的拉一车大白菜到食堂,裴阿姨忙着剁猪肉白菜,袁老师隔着打饭的窗口对着裴阿姨深情吟唱在那遥远的地方,有个好姑 娘。。。。。” 非常草根的中国达人形象。
